Awesome Motion Graphic Examples to Inspire You
isual elements moving across the screen have always been compelling to viewers. Here are some motion graphics examples to get your creative juices flowing!
Motion graphics are one of the most versatile and effective pieces of graphic design. With video content only rising in popularity in recent years, motion graphics are the key to linking video and static content. These motion graphic examples will show you all why this kind of design drives up interest and viewer engagement.
Even though videos are increasingly popular, (TikTok alone has seen an 275% increase in viewership in the first quarter of 2022), they are rather bulky and take up much time and money to make. That’s where motion graphics come in. They are a nifty middle ground between basic static advertising and longer videos.
What is motion design?
Although often confused with animation, motion design can be defined as a subset of animation, with a few key differences between them. Motion graphics imbue existing static elements such as advertisements or infographics with animation and movement, while animation is created dynamic from the get-go.
Motion graphics designers take simple graphic design elements such as typography, logos and geometrics and introduce movement, sounds and music. On the other hand, animation in the true sense of the word uses more complex elements, such as landscapes and figures.
Animation and motion graphics can and should be used in tandem, especially in advertising campaigns. Where animated (and live action) videos are often the stars of the show, which is understandable given the time and effort put into them, a smaller motion graphic video can be an awesome addition and support the main pieces of advertising.
Here are some great motion graphics examples to inspire you!
Geometric motion graphics
As we’ve said, motion graphics often use geometric elements that move and morph into one another. This makes this kind of motion graphics almost hypnotic, like a Möbius strip.
Geometric examples of motion graphics are so versatile and can be great additions for anything from marketing campaigns to film and TV show credits and visuals. They are simple enough in appearance, but effective in capturing the attention of the viewer.
The graphic below beautifully showcases the best attributes of a geometric motion graphic design. The shapes move and switch, not only in place but also in color. This adds another lovely dimension to the dynamic.

We’ve mentioned the use of logos in motion graphics, and below we can see cool motion graphics showcasing 25 brilliant animations featuring logos. It’s truly a treasure chest of ideas for anyone looking to add a bit of pizazz to their existing logo design!
Next we have a lovely and playful promotional video for Trikonastha Media, a branding agency specializing in digital media. It’s bright and peppy, yet still professional and to the point.
Geometric explosion by ILLO on Dribble
This motion graphic is bursting at the seams with energy. The shapes and colors are simple, but the animation and motion make it full of life. It has a vintage vibe to it, with the colors resembling the iconic 80s arcade carpets, elevated and polished to perfection.
Shapes in Motion by Rajani Sinha
Geometric pattern by Katya Kloos on Dribble
The next GIF is a great example of how to make motion graphic design that uses simple elements to create a complex and interesting design. The nine square layout provides structure, while the colorful shapes give the design movement and interest.
The circles are particularly interesting because they resemble vinyl records. A design such as this would be a wonderful fit for a company in the music business.

Below is one of the best motion graphic design examples that relies on precision and neatness. It’s fairly simplistic, but the moving pentagonal shapes catch the eye and hold attention through their hypnotic motions. This sort of motion graphic can be a great fit for any number of companies in various industries – tech, finance, science and even fashion and interior design.

This is another wonderful motion graphic that could be used for all sorts of projects involving music. The design itself is incredibly simple, but the moving strings breathe life and levity into it. It’s a great choice for advertising music lessons, as well as music shops and other kinds of related businesses.

This colorful kaleidoscopic design is one of the best examples of motion graphics. The playful pastel colors are contrasted by the edgier grays and blacks. This creates a wonderful dynamic, accentuated by the circular expansion and retraction movements.
A motion graphic such as this might not be as versatile as some of the colors could clash with different color schemes. However, a custom design could solve this problem.
The next design is also vintage-inspired. It has an interesting motion pattern, which begins with a detail and then transitions to the larger picture. It has a sort-of mid-century vibe to it, while still maintaining that contemporary edge.
It’s a fun design that will definitely attract attention. It has a lot of detail, so it might come across as cluttered, but this won’t be an issue if it’s paired with other, more subdued design elements.
This complex motion graphic showcases the intricacy and thought put into it. It contains both bright, pastel colors and dark navies and blacks, which create a wonderful balance between elements.
Below is one of the lovely motion graphic design examples that scream gaming and cyberpunk aesthetics. The shiny neon colors are subtle enough to be elegant, yet bold enough to catch the eye.

Motion graphics such as the next example are perfect for the corporate world. It resembles a city skyline in motion, which is conducive for conveying the messages a corporation would want to get out into the world.

Kinetic typography
Typography has never been only about functionality. Beautiful fonts can become the signature element of a company’s brand identity. Putting letters in motion is not a new concept by any means, but it’s a classic for a reason.
Movie and TV title cards often use kinetic typography, to create a simple yet effective title sequence. This kind of motion graphic focuses on lettering, combining movement with the graphic elements of typography. These motion graphics examples will inspire you to consider using this kind of cool motion graphics.
The first example is a promotional video for a fictional art festival featuring the works of Asian artists. It’s fun and dynamic, and it captures the spirit of the proposed festival perfectly.
This is another wonderful motion graphic video that uses clever animation to bring the letters to life. The result is a vibrant video that keeps the viewer engaged and intrigued.
This is a cool example of a promotional video for a university. It’s informational, as well as intriguing enough to draw the attention and further inquiries about the courses and the university itself.
Kinetic typography is widely used for promotional videos, especially for marketing and public relations agencies. Below you can see one of the best motion graphic advertising examples by Ogilvy. It blends the imagery of bygone times with new concepts creating a distinct look.
This simple black and white video is a fantastic example of clever use of motion graphics. It’s edgy, yet still approachable and informative.
Burger King is such an iconic brand, and this shift into a more retro aesthetic perfectly encapsulates the timeless popularity of the brand. It has both the comfortable feel of yesteryear and the polish of today. Motion graphics examples such as this is precisely the kind of smart advertising one could expect from a powerhouse such as Burger King.
The video below relies on facts and figures in promoting Brewed Media, a digital advertising company. The introduction catches the viewers’ attention, while the rest of the video expands and promotes the brand. There are countless examples of motion graphics that promote a company or service, but that’s why it’s so difficult to make one that the viewer will be interested in and remember.
This simple video is one of the best motion graphic design examples for straightforward, yet still engaging presentation of a rebrand.
Last, but certainly not least, we have the most iconic example of typography motion graphics in cinema history. The legendary opening crawl for Star Wars movies has defined the franchise in a way that not many motion graphics can boast they did. The gradual climb of the letters into the vanishing point is so simple, yet so recognisable. The opening crawl has given rise to countless homages, spoofs and knock-offs. But the original still remains unbeaten.
Logo and animation motion graphics
This is the broadest category of motion graphics. It includes figural visual elements and animation. Logos are the perfect ingredient for creating a fun promotional animation motion graphic video for your brand.
This is a lively, bouncy motion graphic video that’s definitely going to engage viewers.
Infinite zoom is a hot trend in animation and motion graphics. It allows for fun transitions between scenes. This motion graphic video is such a brilliant example of this, and it’s a wonderful ride from start to finish.
This video combines a beautiful, serene color scheme with a vintage-inspired visuals. The result is a lovely video,bound to make an impression.
This promotional video is a classic example of well-executed motion graphics video aimed at the corporate world. Motion graphics advertising examples, especially those for corporate use are often bland and forgettable. However, this one is unique and interesting enough to stand out.
This wonderful motion graphic harkens to ancient stories. It captures the viewers’ attention with animations that transport them into far-off, mystical worlds. It’s one of the best motion graphic videos on this list, and it’s bound to inspire your creativity.
The next video features several styles of animation, from more children-oriented to almost comic-book style, to stylized animation fit for Oscar nominations.
The final video is wonderful and instructive about the issue of access to clean water. It shows how motion graphics can tackle and teach important topics such as this.
We hope these examples of motion graphics will inspire you to include motion graphics in your designs. There isn’t one right way how to make animated graphics. These motion graphics examples certainly exemplify the answer to the question “what is motion design” and how effectively it can be used in both advertising, as well as graphic design as a whole.
I hold two degrees in history, and am currently working on a project of creating a digital library of Medieval manuscripts. I still like to have a foot in the 21st century though, so I write freelance about my other big passion, art and design. All Lord of the Rings references and puns I make are intentional.
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